MADNESS Signed Tea Towel Competition

MADNESS Signed Tea Towel Competition



  1. Promotion Details

By entering this Prize Draw (the “Prize Draw”) you agree that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions and agree that you will be bound by them. These Terms and Conditions govern your relationship with The Madstore.


  1. Participation

2.1 The Prize Draw will run from 18:00 BST on 20th September 2024 until Midnight BST on 23rd September 2024 (the “Prize Draw Period”). For the avoidance of doubt no entries will be counted before or beyond the Prize Draw Period.

2.2 To enter this Prize Draw you are invited during the Prize Draw Period to order “any t shirt” from the official Madness store “The Madstore” (administered by Sandbag UK)

There are 5 (five) prizes with 1 (one) Prize available per winner. The 5 winners will each be notified via email by 27th September notifying them that they have won.

2.3 Entry is only open to residents of England, Scotland and Wales and you must be aged 14 years old or over to enter this Prize Draw. If you are under 14 years old, your entry will be disqualified. If you are aged 14, 15, 16 or 17 you must have the permission of your parent or legal guardian before entering this Prize Draw and submitting an Entry. If you are 18 years old, or over, you are eligible with no permissions required. If the Winner is aged under 18, they must be accompanied to the Prize by their parent / legal guardian who will count as their guest.

2.4 The Madstore (and its licensees, affiliates and assigns) reserves the right to cancel the Prize Draw or amend these Terms and Conditions without notice in the event of circumstances outside its control, including without limitation, a major catastrophe, war, civil or military disturbance, strike, flood, earthquake, communicable disease (including the novel corona virus known as “Covid-19”) non-appearance of the Artist, cancellation or postponement of the Prize beyond The Madstore ‘s reasonable control, or any actual, anticipated or alleged breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other similar event. No liability shall attach to The Madstore as a result thereof. If a sufficient number of eligible Entries (as determined by The Madstore, in its sole discretion) are not received by the end of the Prize Draw Period, Sandbag UK reserves the right not to award the Prize.

2.5 Employees and their immediate families of The Madstore and any of their subsidiaries and/or agencies associated with this Prize Draw are ineligible to enter. Any such entries will be invalid.


  1. The Prize

3.1 i) At the end of the Prize Draw Period, 5 (five) eligible entries will be selected at random by The Madstore (at The Madstore ‘s sole discretion), to win the Prize (a “Winner”).

  1. ii) In the event that a Winner is not, or is unable to, comply with the Terms and Conditions, The Madstore shall be entitled at its discretion to disqualify such Winner, without any further liability to that person. No liability shall attach to The Madstore as a result thereof.

iii) No cash alternatives shall be available for the Prize. The Prize is non-transferable. However, The Madstore reserves the right to change the Prize at its discretion or to offer an alternative Prize of similar value.

3.2 Winner will be contacted by Sony via an email to the email address provided on their Entry. Once notified a Winner must provide The Madstore with their full name, home address and date of birth (for the purpose of confirming eligibility and fulfilling the Prize) and to receive full details of the Prize. If a Winner cannot be contacted within twenty four (24) hours on first notification attempt, or if a Winner rejects the Prize, or if a Winner’s email returns as “undeliverable”, then The Madstore reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify such Winner without any further liability to that person and offer the Prize to another entrant selected by The Madstore (at The Madstore ‘s sole discretion) from all remaining eligible Entries and thereafter until another Winner is found. In the event that a Winner is unable for whatever reason to accept the Prize, or in the event of non-compliance with the Terms and Conditions, The Madstore shall be entitled at its discretion to disqualify such Winner, without any further liability to that person and the Prize will be forfeited and an alternative Winner may be selected by The Madstore (at The Madstore ‘s sole discretion) from all remaining eligible Entries. Upon Prize forfeiture, no compensation will be given.

3.3 For the avoidance of doubt, any expenses not specified in these Terms and Conditions are the sole responsibility of Winner and their guest, including without limitation travel and accommodation costs, food, drink and personal expenditure.

3.4 Details of Winner (surname and county) will be available on request to all Prize Draw participants who send a stamped addressed envelope to The Madstore at the address below.


  1. General Terms

4.1 The Madstore reserves the right to verify the eligibility of your Entry. The Madstore may request that Winner contacts The Madstore to confirm that they are the winning entrant and/or to provide proof of identity, age and residency. In the event of a dispute as to the identity of the person who submitted an Entry, any Entry will be deemed to have been submitted by the authorised holder of the email account provided to The Madstore on the applicable Entry. Winner may be requested to provide The Madstore with proof that they are the authorised holder of an email address associated with a winning Entry.

4.2 Winners may be required, as a condition of being awarded the Prizes, for no remuneration, to participate in promotional and publicity materials at the reasonable request of The Madstore and it shall be a condition of being awarded the Prize that a Winner must consent and agree to do so.

4.3 In the event of any fault, mistake, misunderstanding or dispute concerning the operation of any part of the draw, the decision of The Madstore shall be final.

4.4 Should one or more provision of these Terms and Conditions be unlawful, void, or unenforceable, such provision(s) shall be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions and the remainder of the Terms and Conditions will remain in full force and effect.


  1. Privacy and Data Collection

5.1 Winners agree to keep confidential any knowledge about the Artist and/or The Madstore and its business and personnel received by a Winners as a result of their Prizes (including without limitation not sharing private details on social media).

5.2 All personal information provided to The Madstore by way of your participation in this Prize Draw shall be processed solely for the purpose of administrating the Prize.

5.3 The Madstore will be the data controller and data processor of the personal data collected from you and/or third parties in order to enter you into the Prize Draw and to include you on its mailing list if applicable.

5.4 By submitting your Entry to this Prize Draw, you expressly permit The Madstore (and its licensees, affiliates and assigns to identify you as the contributor of such Entry and the content of such Entry to the Prize Draw in any publication in any form, media or technology now known or later developed, unless you notify The Madstore  otherwise.


  1. Jurisdiction

The Terms and Conditions and this Prize Draw are governed by the laws of England and Wales and any dispute will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England.